Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Reading in my Garden: a 2013 Q4 Finish

I spent this past weekend at Loon Lake camp on the annual retreat Krista organizes each November. It was a fantastic time, as usual, except for the fact that I was hit by a really bad cold the night I arrived. That seriously cut into my quilting/partying/time, let me tell you. Still, I had lots of fun with quilting friends from near and afar.

Also as usual with these retreats, I overestimated how much I would get done (even assuming no illness), but at least I had lots of bits to choose from. This quilt was one of the first projects I tackled, and I'm so very pleased to have it done!

Reading in My Garden

This WIP dates back to 2012! I won the blocks in a block lotto at VMQG, and pieced the top shortly thereafter. One seam was a bit foofy and I planned to unpick it but that's where progress halted. Then I came to my senses, and put the project on my 2013 Finish Along list for Q4.

I quilted it with a leafy, viny motif...

Reading in my Garden quilting

and added some flowers on the ends, with a nice big sun for some sunshine.

Reading in my Garden top

It's called Reading in my Garden because those stacked strip blocks really do look like books, don't they? The quilt measures about 57" by 53" and I think it will go in my daughter's room.

Reading in my Garden and arbour

Hooray for longtime projects getting finished up! Stay tuned for another finish or two. I was productive!


  1. even with being sidelined with your cold the first night, you got an amazing amount of things finished! This one looks great! Hope you are feeling much better now!

  2. The quilting really makes this one - great use of the negative space!

  3. wahooo!!! good for you! it looks fantastic.

    i got all inspired by this block lotto, and cut a TON of strips. but that's as far as i ever got! they're all in a ziplock baggie, and every once in a while i steal a strip or two out of it for another project, but one day....

  4. A cold never comes at an opportune time, but to get in the way of a quilting retreat? Now, that's just wrong! Lovely quilt!

  5. Indeed they do look like books. It's fun and colourful!

  6. Fantastic Felicity! I was following along on IG and was amazed what you ladies were all getting done. Is this the one with the just too short binding???? ;)

  7. Really wonderful. I love the colors and your quilting on it is just perfect for it.

  8. Yes, you were productive! Love how this turned out. Miss you!

  9. Love the way your title unites the quilting and the piecing, a lovely quilt.


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