Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Dog Days of Aoife

Each time a friend left our team at work, I offered to make them a little something. Bronwyn got a pouch, Lesley got a mini, and Nicole got a pillow.

Faye requested a small quilt for her fur baby Aoife (an Irish name, pronounced EE-fa).

My mind went right to the charm pack and additional yardage I had of Sherbet Pips, with the adorable little doggies on it. I cut the quilt out before we moved in July and then life happened.

Last week, I went to an open sew day at one of my new LQSs, Cherry Tree Quilts and pieced the top:

It's very quick to do - (40) 5" charms plus (8) 9½" squares of coordinating fabric.

Quilting was very simple too - just diagonal lines. I used a Hera marker to mark the lines.

Very happy with the now-washed, nicely soft and crinkly finished product:

Dog Days of Aiofe

It's about 36" square, and it's bound (by machine) with more Sherbet Pips and a tiny bit of Little Apples.
Dog Days of Aiofe

Bonus pillow made with the leftovers:

Sherbet Pips Cushion Front

Sherbet Pips Cushion other front
Other Front (they're both cute!!)

Again, really simple. 5" squares plus one 9½" square. I think I'll donate it to the school's fundraiser.

**Administrivia note: I am way behind in blogging my work so I hope you're ready for a veritable barrage of blog posts as I catch up.**

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see you posting again, enjoy your Instagram feed but have missed your blog.

    Welcome back.


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