Sunday, November 30, 2014

Rainbow in the Round

Rainbow in the Round_full

Isn't this just the happiest quilt you've ever seen? The Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild did a Round Robin quilt activity this year, organized by yours truly. I modeled it on something similar we did in my former guild called "tinners". Participants put their starting block (or row), a journal and a focus fabric in a tin, then each month we got a tin to work on, based on that month's instructions.

The Round Robin worked similarly. We started with a centre block, then each month, instructions were posted on the VMQG blog for how many borders to add, how big they were to be, plus a theme (stars, triangles, curves, etc.). Some folks opted to include some fabric they wanted used throughout the quilt, and others didn't.

My starting "block" was a green scrappy square I made using the slab technique outlined in Sunday Morning Quilts. I asked that each month's additions be monochromatic and scrappy, with the colour being up to the contributor.

Green slab starter block

I was so happy with my quilt that I went home and almost immediately got to work adding a few more borders to increase its size (I added the red and yellow to complete the rainbow, plus the wide black and white border to contain it all).

I quilted it simply, with straight lines about 2" apart using my walking foot, then FMQ'd in between with Christina A Few Scraps' "beads on a string" design from her Craftsy class (more on that in another post).

Rainbow in the Round quilting

I wasn't too sure what colour thread to choose since this quilt has ALL THE COLOURS so I chose white Aurifil 50 weight thread and it worked perfectly, I think. The 50 weight means it's nice and fine and it blended surprisingly well. 

Rainbow in the Round detail

I chose green for the binding to echo the centre, where it all began. The quilt is 64"x75" before washing - we'll see how much it shrinks up. I entered it in the QuiltCon show, so we'll see whether it's accepted. In any case, I'm looking forward to snuggling under it as the holiday season approaches.

Rainbow in the Round


  1. I love your quilt, and maybe this is a project some folks in my guild might like. I also love your quilting, I am putting it on my list to try.

  2. What a fab quilt! I love the happy colours and the random nature of it

  3. This is so very cool. That quilting flows from one random thing to the next. LOVE that

  4. Great quilt! Love the black and white outer border. All the best for QuiltCon!

  5. Beautiful. What a delightful group project - hopefully get to see it at QuiltCon!


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