Sunday, January 5, 2014

2013 Finish A Long Q4 Recap

This Finish A Long really helped to focus me this year. When I found myself wondering what to work on first, I chose something from that quarter's FAL list more often than not. I'll be putting some projects on the 2014 FAL list but first, a roundup of my fourth quarter results.

I listed my four project goals here:

1. The purple version of Easy Going Modern, named Modern Purples. YES!
Modern and Purple

2. G's fleece coat. YES! 
Butterfly fleece jacket

3. Pencil skirt for me. YES! Also blogged in the fleece coat post, so I'll link up this post for the skirt finish.
pencil skirt

4. Scrappy Churn Dash. Nope. I managed to piece a few more churn dashes, but no go.

5. Stacked Strips, renamed Reading in my Garden. YES! This "stretch target" was achieved!
Reading in My Garden

Four out of five ain't bad. In addition to the foregoing, I made eight sets of coasters for G's teachers (classroom plus 2 music teachers plus 4 caregivers at after-school care):

holiday coasters

Also, a two-zip hipster not begun at the time of QAL project listing, but finished nevertheless:
2 zip Collage

And a mini for the VMQG Michael Miller Cotton Couture Challenge:
Burst of Colour

Overall, I'm really happy with my achievements this quarter. Stay tuned for a 2014 overall recap - quilts and more - as well as my 2014 goals!


  1. Nice job on all items! I really love the skirt. Thanks for sharing your accomplishments with us.

  2. I did squat---well one. Your finishes are lovely.

  3. Yeah for you. Those are some great finishes.


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