Monday, May 27, 2013

Zakka Along 2.0 Head Start: Prettified Pincushion

Have you heard about Zakka Along 2.0: Patchwork, Please? It's starting up soon. I plan to follow along as much as I can but we'll see.

I got a bit of a head start with this adorable Prettified Pincushion:

pincushion collage

I used It's a Hoot! scraps with some Essex Linen, with some lovely Melody Miller Viewmasters on the back. It came together fairly quickly (even with the foundation paper pieced top), and Ayumi's construction technique results in nice corners. I recommend the pattern!


  1. I keep looking at that pattern. Your pincushion is lovely.

  2. oh this is darling! So glad you are sewing alone when you can!

  3. Your pincushion is very pretty indeed!

  4. SO SO cute! I love pin cushions but I do not like making them at all. Too small and fiddly for me.

  5. I love that pincushion! I want to be able to do the sew-along, but I am so bad at having time available when something specific is going on. Such is life. ;)

  6. Very nice! I love all those fabric colors :)

  7. I have this pattern marked to make in the next few days, just for me. Love your version, its gorgeous!

  8. Super cute and your photos are great! Did you find a sunny place in Vancouver? By the way, starting early on a sewalong is a way to get kicked off the Queen of Procrastinators throne.

  9. I read "petrified" pincushion and just laughed. Your finish is just beautiful!

  10. Where do you buy the book so you can sew along? I don't see a link anywhere for purchasing it.

    1. Ellen, since you're a no-reply blogger, I can't respond to your question via email so I'll answer it here and hopefully you'll see it! The book is available for purchase on Amazon. Patchwork, Please! by Amy Takahashi. I hope you join in!

    2. Make that Ayumi Takahashi.


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