Sunday, September 2, 2012

Testing My New Home

Just a quick test for me to see if everything got moved over.

Edit: looks like it did. YAY!


  1. I thought I was the only one awake right now....
    Looks like the move worked. It's all there!
    Happy Sewing Month!

  2. The move was smooth! You are on my bloglist and your post showed up - no problem.

  3. p.s. I so love the tote I won during Bag Lady Week. It goes with me everywhere!

  4. I received this in my e-mails this morning, it seemss everything is okay

  5. Nicely done Felicity and very impressive. I have added you to my Google Reader so I won't miss any of your posts.

  6. My Google Reader picked up this post, so lookin' good!

  7. Glad to see I still pick up your posts. :)

  8. Nice work! I got this post in Google Reader without having to change a thing. Love the new address!

  9. Recieved your post in my email box this morning, so appears to be working.


I *love* comments, and I try to respond to every one by email (but I can't if you're a no-reply blogger!). So go on, don't be shy - leave one to let me know you've stopped by!