Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Felicities

Hooray for Friday! I'm happy enough to see the weekend that I could stop right there and declare that my Felicity for this Friday! Not. Even. Joking.

But there are other things for me to be happy about.

strike a pose

My beautiful little girl is absolutely over the moon about dancing, and she is dancing constantly. When we walk into a store that's playing loud dance music, she pretty much drops whatever is in her hands and busts a move. It's hilarious and sweet and inspiring and fantastic. G started new dance lessons this past weekend: Ballet and Creative Dance back to back. She brings a change of clothes because you simply can't wear the ballet costume your Mom bought you at Value Village for Creative Dance. You must wear your "flowy dress." Luckily the only dress code for the lessons is clothing that allows the instructor to see the children's bodies, and either bare feet or ballet slippers so their feet don't slip, so wardobe changes are A-ok.

But that meant my dancer needed a bag to carry her dance wardrobe!

ballet bag

I got good practice with FMQ, and the zipper closure was designed to make the bag kind of boxy on top and thus easier to zip open.

bag top

Lining is a Michael Miller Flower Fairies fabric. WITH SPARKLES ON IT (aka 5-year-old girl's catnip).

ballet bag interior

One more photo? Okay!

bag back with quilting

If you made it this far, feel free to grab a button from my sidebar, write your Friday Felicities post and link it up here. Oh, and have a great weekend! :)


  1. Your little dancer is darling ; )

  2. love the fabric you used for the bag! Even tho it was many many years ago, I still remember the feeling of going to dance class -- few things in life equal the joy of dance!

  3. That's awesome that she loves dancing so much, Felicity. That bag you made for her is darling!

  4. Great job on the FMQ AND on the zipper. The bag is adorable.

  5. Ah, perfect. I know your girl loves her bag!

  6. I love how uninhibited children are, Addy loves to dance, too! And the wardrobe changes, oh my. She is too cute!!

    Cute bag, too, of course!

  7. I love that she does wardrobe changes. :)

  8. So cute! And yes, Sparkles=catnip at our house, too. And don't even get me started about sequins!!

  9. Gosh, she sure is cute AND her little bag is perfect. Adorbz all around! :-)


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