Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Done With Trees For A While

I made a third three quilt, this time as a commission (my first! woot!). A good friend and her sister wanted me to make a family tree quilt for their folks.

It's very similar to the preschool tree quilts, except I quilted the names in the leaves. I'm very pleased with how it turned out!

Family Tree quilt

A closeup of a couple of the leaves. I mixed the names up on the tree rather than having each sibling's family on its own branch but I used the same leaf fabric for each family.

quilted names closeup

I hope my friends' parents love it! I'm done with this design for a while, though.

Speaking of families, my daughter's birthday weekend was very successful. Everyone had fun at her pool party, and we had some lovely family time with Grandma on her actual birthday (Sunday). Here is the birthday girl making an expression that belies her enjoyment of the gorgeous handmade birthday crown I ordered from Maureen.


  1. Congrats on your first commission and love the picture of little miss in her crown. Adorable!

  2. It's so lovely! I like the leaves and I am determined to be able to write with my machine!!
    Love the picture and the crown is fantastic!

  3. It's fantastic! I love the little bird on the right. And congrats on a commission, woot!

  4. I love the names on the leaves! Very impressive.

  5. I love the idea of same fabric for each family's leaves! You're just so smart! I bet they'll be thrilled with this amazing and totally original quilt!!!!

  6. The quilt is fabulous, and the birthday princess is adorable! I hope your friend loved the quilt. And I'm crazy impressed that you QUILTED the names on!!! (And now I'm off to quilt a gift that needs to be sent to IL ASAP!)

  7. Lovely tree and congrats on the commission!

  8. Such a sweet design, Felicity. I can see why you've been commissioned to make it. Good going!


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