Monday, August 15, 2011

Holiday Sewing

No, not THAT holiday - don't panic! I mean *my* holiday! I'm now off work until after Labour Day. Imagine me doing the Snoopy Happy Dance. YAAAAAAY!

I was a somewhat delinquent Bee member this month. Well, make that *last* month - I only just finished off two blocks for the last month of Maple Leaf Bee 2. Which was July. Brenda asked us to make some wonky star blocks and sent a whole bunch of fun scraps to work with. These come together fairly quickly because there's really no measuring other than the background squares. (We used this tutorial.)

First block:

wonky stars for brenda2

Second block:

star for brenda

Both blocks:
stars for brenda mlb 2

We're going on a little sojourn back East to visit with my family, and I thought G would like to have her own little backpack to carry things on the plane. Using this tutorial, I whipped one up. My grommet tool didn't work at.all. for punching the hole in the fabric so that was annoying but luckily, I have a surgically-sharp seam ripper that did the trick lickety split.

Back (all fabric chosen by G):

backpack back


backpack front

Linking up over at Canoe Ridge Creations for {Sew} Modern Monday!

{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations


  1. Love that bag! Always looking for cute ideas to use with our "Trimming Braid"! Very fun!

  2. Your star blocks look so fun and fresh! Love the bags... its the time of year that everyone is looking for another new bag for school or whatnot and those are super cute.

  3. Oh, my son would think a bag like that is so fun! Have a great holiday!!

  4. Love those bags! I made my son a Jet pack Backpack in that same style and he adores it!

  5. That star quilt is going to be beautiful! I have made a few of those backpacks for my boys and they love them. Plus, it's just cute seeing kids wear backpacks. Is that weird?

  6. Love the quilt and the string back pack is just super!!!

  7. That bag is too cute. I hope you have a fabulous holiday!

  8. I love your star blocks. The colors are great. The bag is wonderful as well. I have been trying to think of something to make for my nieces for Christmas, and something like this would be great. Thanks for the inspiration.


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