Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Bee Sewcial, Year 2

I loved loved loved being part of Bee Sewcial last year, so I stayed on for the second round!

Before I show you what I made for Stephanie Spontaneous Threads this month, here is a mosaic of all of my Bee Sewcial blocks from 2015:

Bee Sewcial 2015
Click through to my Flickr photostream for individual links

2016 kicked off with some of my favourite colours: grey and yellow. Or, more specifically, Kona Medium Grey and Kona Curry. Yum!

Bee Sewcial block 1 for Stephanie Block 2 for @spontaneousthreads, #beesewcial #inspiredbybeesewcial. It's a fair bit like the first one but I was enjoying the lines so much, I just kept going.

The theme was linear and intersections. I didn't intend for both blocks to be so straight and narrow but that's how they evolved. I kind of love them.


  1. It WAS a fun year! Love your blocks for this month! I'm already getting anxious to see what's NEXT! ;-)

  2. Nothing wrong with the straight and narrow! Love them both. It's so nice to see all 2015 together - especially my reflection blocks.


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