Saturday, May 2, 2015

Spring Bloom Giveaway Winner

Spring Bloom giveaway winner is drawn.

I somehow lost the numbering on my blog comments so instead of, I went low tech/old school. I printed out the comments, cut them apart and had G dig around to select one.

The winner of the Spring Bloom FQ bundle is.....Cheryl, whom I've emailed.

Thanks again, Amanda, for inviting me to participate in the blog hop, and a big thank you to Windham Fabrics who sponsored the blog hop with fabric for me and the winner!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing wrong with old school!!' Congratulations to the winner


I *love* comments, and I try to respond to every one by email (but I can't if you're a no-reply blogger!). So go on, don't be shy - leave one to let me know you've stopped by!