Sunday, July 15, 2012

Workshop Success!

Oh my, what a terrifically fun afternoon I had, teaching my Easy Going Modern workshop for the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild!

Just about everyone finished the day with a completed quilt top, so I achieved one of my workshop goals. The other was to make the experience fun and relaxing, and judging by the evaluations, I achieved that one too. Yay!

Here are some photos of the day (most courtesy of Holly):

Amy, arranging her low-volume blocks

Diane's version - kind of a "split Easy Going Modern" - she came to the workshop with it partially pieced, so we were able to get it basted during the workshop.

Me, overseeing Amy and Jo-Anne's progress.

Jo-Anne's finished top.

I stitched along with the class, so I ended up with a finished top too (Kona Chartreuse and Turquoise or possibly Caribbean).

I'm so happy to see all these beautiful quilt tops!

I think the best part for me was seeing all the different ways the pattern could stitch up. There were layer cake versions with both light and dark contrasting solids, a low-volume multi-print layout, an ombre version, a transparency version, one that featured prints and a near-solid repeating in the large squares, and one with many gorgeous hawaiian fabrics that played absolutely beautifully together. There were different types of linen, vintage/thrifted sheets, cotton and rayon used in the tops as well. So much inspiration, I couldn't sleep last night, I was so wound up!

I got some other fantastic suggestions in the evaluations including having everyone introduce themselves. I was so excited to get stitching I forgot about that - oops. Next time, I'll have a real-life sample available, and I'll give a quick rundown of the process before getting started too.

Thanks to all my workshop participants - I couldn't have done it without you all!


  1. Hey, that's great. Looks like an all around success. :)

  2. Congratulations on the workshop! That's a nice collection of quilts!

  3. Well done Felicity! Looks lkike it was a very successful day - I can't wait to see some of these in person on Thursday

  4. Congrats! It looks like it was so much fun! I'm so impressed everyone finished their tops!

  5. Sound fantastic, Felicity! No surprise that it was a big success. :)

  6. From the accounts I've heard, it was a great day! Looks like you all had a blast. :-) Great tops!

  7. Way to go Felicity! You must be so proud of your students (and yourself). Sounds like it went off without a hitch!

  8. I had such a great time Felicity, thanks again! It was a treat to sew with my friends and a thrill to complete a quilt top in a day. I love the group photo with all our different fabric choices.

  9. So, so happy you had a fun day and that everyone got their tops complete. I just know you were a great teacher!!!! Can't wait to see them all lined up show and tell tomorrow night, woohoo!

  10. I had a great time! Thanks your great leadership skills, all the time you put into making those excellent instructions and being all-around fabulous. xx

  11. Whoo hoo!! Way to go Felicity, I just knew you'd be a great teacher :) I will need to pick your brains when my turn comes in September!


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