Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Felicities

Today I want to celebrate the happiness that friends bring to my life.

While I am a homebody who craves solitary time, I do love spending time with friends, and last weekend I had a veritable bonanza of friend-time!

On Saturday, Nikki, The Girl Who Quilts, was in town and we got together for lunch. As often happens when bloggy friends get together in person for the first time, we greeted each other like long-time chums and - this is not an exaggeration - we didn't stop talking from the moment I picked her up until the moment I dropped her off three hours later. And as if her delightful company weren't enough, Nikki bestowed some lovely and thoughtful gifts on me. First, a beautiful pillow made with a technique from Jacquie and Katie's book Quilting Modern. I adore it! 

Apologies for the lousy picture. The brighter one didn't show off the awesome quilting.

The back features raindrops in honour of Vancouver.

As is that weren't enough, she gave me some cool Frixion pens - one of which is a highlighter! Thank you, Nikki! 

And then on Sunday, my little family attended the dedication of a friend's little boy to his church. Quite a few of my friends attend this church, and it was lovely to see them. An after-church impromptu brunch at our place with another family whose little boy is just a few months younger than G capped off a truly felicitous weekend.

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms reading this, and since I know mine swings by here every now and again, Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I love you! Thanks for teaching me how to sew! xoxo


  1. Have a happy weekend, Felicity! Love your new pillow.

  2. I have had the best experience meeting blogging friends in person--because you're right, we already know so much about each other. Beautiful pillow!

  3. What an awesome gift! Love the raindrops ;-)

  4. Have a wonderful Mother's Day yourself, Felicity! What a beautiful new pillow you get to enjoy!

  5. Thanks for such a sweet Friday post.
    Made me smile! Happy mothers day to you too.xo

  6. Wow, that's a pretty awesome pillow you got there! Going to have to check out that book...

  7. And I'm super excited about friend time tomorrow evening. Looking forward to spending time with you and D.

  8. Yay for meeting bloggy friends in real life and especially ones bearing lovely gifts!!

    Thank you for teaching Felicity to sew Felicity's Mom. If you hadn't, I probably never would have met her :)

  9. Yay for meeting bloggy friends! I hope you had a great weekend :)

  10. What a cool pillow! It sounds like such fun to meet up and exchange gifts!


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