Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Felicities

Today's Felicity isn't quilting related. It's like the anti-quilting Friday Felicity because I spent a lot of time on this rather than stitching this week:

Source: via Felicity on Pinterest

Downton Abbey!
I'm only at the end of Season 1 (I am very late to the party), and it's certainly lived up to all the hype. Maggie Smith is definitely given all the best lines and is clearly having a hoot playing the Dowager Countess of Grantham.

Today's my last day of work for a whole week! Hooray for Spring Break!! Have a great weekend!


  1. Downton Abbey is definitely a good use of your free time. Don't worry, your quilting friends understand that sometimes you just have to know what happens next! Once I started Season One, I watched all the episodes in about three days.

  2. Welcome to the club!!! It's addictive, isn't it?? You're making me want to go back now and watch the first season again...when I only saw it a month or so ago. Definitely worth skipping some sewing time to catch up!

  3. I have to start watching this show! I hear such good things about it. Happy Friday, Felicity!

  4. Where are you watching it? I looked on Netflix and of course it's not there. I also tried the pbs website, but it doesn't stream to Canada :-(

  5. Awesome show and very addictive! I love the Dowager Countess as well. aAnd the clothes! & hats! We watched both seasons and the christmas special all in about a week. Now what do we watch? Season 3 can't come fast enough!

  6. I have one episode left in season 2. I think I'm putting it off because I'm. It ready for it to be over!

  7. I'm totally addicted to it too! I just finished the first season (also had trouble sewing while watching) and ordered the second season!

  8. Downton Abbey is my favourite show, and I'm so sad that this season is over already!

  9. Shows how out of touch I am... um, what's "Downtown Abbey"? I take it a television series of sorts? Love Maggie Smith!

  10. I loved that show!
    Katie -try or amazon streaming video on line.


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