Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Felicities: Resolved to Sew

Have you seen the fabulous prizes up for grabs over at Very Berry Handmade's 2012 Resolve to Sew Giveaway?

Go ahead and check them out here!

I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in my 2012 Quilty Goals post, but in 2012, I resolve to sew for ME! Well, not *just* me; my family and friends too. I'm saying no more often, and it feels pretty great.

Easy Going Modern (plus the pillow) is a gift for friends, and the alternate version I'm working on is a gift for my niece. Placemats I've been meaning to make for my Mom for ages are now finished.

Felicity = happy.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Sewing for you = excellent! {Also a goal of mine for the year :)}

  2. Congrats on that saying no thing! I must resolve to say it more often too, even to myself ;o)


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