Sunday, September 11, 2011

For the Love of Solids Swap - extras

In addition to the "large item" we make for our partners, we are asked to include a "small item." I decided to make my partner a pouch.

I already had some blue zippers on hand, so the pouch was built around that feature.

This is the BACK of the pouch; the front has my partner's initials on it so it has to stay secret for now. I forgot to measure it, but it's pretty roomy. Probably about 8"x10" or so?

FTLOS pouch (back)

The outer colours are little subdued (Kona Medium Gray and I think Kona Caribbean for the blue bit), so I went wild with the inside:

FTLOS pouch inside

[Somewhat off-topic, but that colour red (Kona Chinese Red) reminds me of the first bedding I bought for myself after moving out on my own for grad school. It was from IKEA - a royal blue paisley duvet cover with accents of all kinds of jewel tones (hello, 1993!!), and a sheet set in that dark red. I felt *very* grown-up and not a little naughty with my red sheets.]

Okay! Back to the pouch! I quilted it with some gorgeous 28 wt Aurifil thread in random straight lines that remind me of shattered glass.

FTLOS pouch quilting detail

I also included a FQ of the Kona Chinese Red, and sent off my package to faraway places last Thursday. I hope it arrives safe. And soon!

Linking up to Sew Modern Monday and Manic Monday at SewHappyGeek.

{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations

Sew Happy Geek


  1. Very cool! I cound find a million things to put in there. I love your blue quilting.

  2. I agree - very cool. Love the abstract quilting.

  3. Love the quilting, and the red lining :) Snazzy!

  4. Oooh nice pouch - now I want to see the front - I wonder who it's going to - I laughed at that bit about the IKEA sheets!

  5. Beautiful job! I love the blue, diagonal quilting. So modern!

  6. Love this pouch! Especially that quilting! :) Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!

  7. I can't wait to see who gets that incredible package...cuz then I'm going to ask them to buy me a lottery ticket.

  8. Yay for Aurofil! Love the pouch and the gorgeous quilting!

  9. What a great swap-- and I really like that Aurifil 28 weight thread. This is beautiful!

  10. So pretty . I just love the pouch.

  11. Looks nice and you make it seem so doable. Will definitely give it a try. thanks.Leena


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