Saturday, July 16, 2011

If You Happen To Run Across My Mojo....

could you please let it know that I miss it and want it to come back home right away?

I completely lost momentum by not keeping up with my daily sewing routine! I mean, there was a reason (yay family visits!!), but still....I am finding it hard to get back to things.

Hopefully, joining a Flickr Swap will help. For The Love Of Solids [a modern swap] is being organized by Elizabeth of Don't Call Me Betsy and Megan of Canoe Ridge Creations. I am very very excited about it, which you might perhaps tell from my 1,000 (v. slight exaggeration)- photo inspiration mosaic!

Inspiration Mosaic: For the Love of Solids [a modern swap]
1. Green and Red Split Log Cabin Quilt, 2. "what's for breakfast" quilt detail WIP, 3. Mod Mood Quilt, Summer 2010, 4. Squares quilt, 5. the big orange wall quilt, 6. Strings Attached, 7. blue quilt progress, 8. seaglass quilt top, 9. Paul's Gee's Bend-inspired quilt, 10. "Untitled 2011", 11. 3bluebrown, 12. Sidewalk Quilt, 13. My quilt is done!, 14. Oct/08 for Tungsten, 15. Random squares mug rug, 16. Basketweave quilt in green and yellow, 17. Almost there, 18. Finished Mug Rug, 19. Nicey Jane mug rug, 20. A Day at the Aquarium Front, 21. Mosaic Quilts together, 22. Sewing Machine Cover - zoomed in, 23. heaven and earth , 24. Urban Home Goods swap package, 25. UHG swap big item, 26. sewingmachinecover6, 27. "Classic Simplicity", 28. A year in scraps..., 29. [Trudy Too] Finished, 30. Tilt, 31. Color Study: Wave ~ 2003, 32. Color Study: Strip 2 ~ 2003, 33. Girl and Boy Twin size Quilts, 34., 35. Color Study: Log Cabin 2 ~ 2007, 36. Trudy's Arse Kicking Quilt [Finished!]

Yeah, just a bit chuffed over here. I am really digging the improv/Gee's Bend-type stuff these days, obviously. I am so looking forward to getting my partner info and beginning my stalk-a-thon. If you're interested (come and play with us!!!), I think there are a few more spots - the signups are first come, first serve and are limited to 100. Do check it out!



  1. Best book ever if you don't have it is Jean Wells Intuitive Colour and Design - tons of solids / Gees Bend ideas, tutorials, inspiration, lessons etc - maybe that will get your mojo back.

  2. Awesome mosaic, Felicity! I completely relate to losing the mojo - I've lost a bit of mine this last week or two, when I got a little busy in my regular life and found myself not sewing every day. I'm getting it back now, slowly, but maybe if you worked on a solids project for yourself first, you might start the spark back up - especially if you're digging solids right now as much as your mosaic is telling me you are! Good luck!!

  3. Yay! Awesome mosaic, Felicity! I hear you on the loss of mojo. I seem to go in spurts where I want to sew, sew, sew and then nothing for a few days. Perhaps fabric shopping could help?? OK, ok. Not the answer you probably want to hear--but hey, it can't hurt! :) Have a great weekend!

  4. Love your mosaic. These are all great! Thanks for including my quilt.

  5. To find your mojo again, make yourself sit down at your machine for just 15minutes. Do that everyday and before you know it, your there for hours enjoying it.

  6. I can totally relate. My sewing/quilting mojo has disappeared! I blame the warm weather and out of town visitors (it has been fun though)!

    Hope it finds its way back to you soon! Your mosaic is awesome! That should inspire you a little!

  7. So glad you're joining In the fun!

  8. I was going to say maybe your mojo ran away with mine, but mine has been gone for some time now and I see that you have gotten quite a bit done recently... I have time scheduled tomorrow so maybe mine will return...

  9. I am having such a difficult time keeping up this month with Summer in full swing. Lots of family visits, day trips, and activities with the kids + no rain at all! We're having fun, but if this Mama wants sewing time I have to stay up too late to get anything done.

    I hope you get back your mojo! That Mod Mood quilt is the standout of the bunch for me, it's amazing and totally inspiring!

  10. Best book ever. Colour and Design - tons of solids / Gees Bend ideas, tutorials, inspiration, lessons etc is described in this book.
    sex and addiction

  11. Orange on quilt work, interesting. Never used this colour in quilting. Thanks for contributing to our quilt world with your easy pattern on Sew We Quilt. I am following you now and will post your button on my blog. You have a wonderful blog filled with lots of eyecandy.
    descuento ropa


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