Monday, June 6, 2011

A Little of This and a Little of That

I went to another lovely day retreat with Krista, and spent most of the time working on my Kona Solids Challenge quilt. I am delighted to report that the top is all pieced and trimmed. Now onto the basting (boo! my least favourite part!) and quilting (yay!). So I'm going to keep that one under my hat until it's all done.

I did do some other sewing, and got a few things done.

Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild is participating in the Mini Maker Faire happening in Vancouver in a couple of weeks. Our booth is going to include an interactive design wall featuring half-square triangles (HSTs). Each member was asked to make some to contribute. Here are mine:
vmqg mini challenge hsts
Solids! I was working on my Kona Solids Challenge quilt at the same time

Then I finished another quick job - one last placemat that was sitting around in my "to do" pile, awaiting a final bit of fabric and finishing. Happy to have that done.

Finally, we lost a member of one of my bees, and rather than replace her and add a month onto the bee, we all stepped up to make extra blocks for those who were short the one from the departing member. I made another one of these cute Patchwork Square in a Square blocks for Hannah:
scrappy square in a square


  1. You had such a productive day! I cannot wait for the day you debut your Kona solids challenge quilt. People are going to FREAK out. It's so good. So, so good.

  2. You've been a busy bee! Your placemant is gorgeous - what a statement have that sat on a table, lovely. The blue block is lovely too - love blocks! Jxo

  3. Love your bee block...some of my favorite fabrics in there!

  4. ooh, fun. Thanks for the extra block!

  5. Wow, you sure have been busy! Your patchwork bee block is lovely, great work! And good for you guys for stepping up within your bee to help out! I can't wait to see your Kona challenge quilt, I bet it's gorgeous!!!

  6. I wanna see the solids quilt!
    I like those big flying geese.

    And good job getting those other things done too. :)

  7. if basting is your least favorite, you have to make the switch to spray basting. it will change your life- i mean it. ;)

  8. I SO want to come SEW with you and Krista some day! Anxiously awaiting your Kona challenge quilt...

    I agree. Boo on the basting. Probably explains why I have such a stack of quilt tops...


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