Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WIP Wednesday

Getting this post in under the wire for Lee's linky party:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Sew Fresh Fabrics Scrap Bee block (finished).

Supernova! The top is all pieced!

supernova top folded

I am getting a full frontal of it tomorrow (Thursday) when I bring the quilt top to the VMQG meeting. Tonight, I am getting a head start on the back, I think. Or maybe I will work on...

Wonder Wheel!

Wonder Wheel

This is where it sat this morning. I'm thinking of two rows of the skinny border. In any case, I need some more brown for the outer border - I don't have enough of the Quilters Linen to make it and no other brown in my stash works. My lovely Kona Colour Card tells me that Coffee is the shade I need to purchase at Spool of Thread. The sewing lounge hosts the VMQG meetings AND has all 200+ colours of Kona available. And they also got a shipment of Ruby Star Rising. *bliss*

Everything else.


Sew Buzzy block for Vicky - a bookshelf block that looks really fun.
Sew & Bee Happy block for Hannah - scrappy blues and greys. Scraps have been pulled, just need to be cut and pieced.
Maple Leaf Bee block for Valerie - orange and Kona Coal in a fab stacked strips formation.

Lots to do, but it keeps me out of trouble. More or less.


  1. Full frontal - you crack me up!!! I love your Wonder Wheel, it looks fantastic. And I like the idea of two rows of the skinny border, that sounds like it would look awesome!

  2. Your supernova is wonderful, I look forward to seeing the full frontal!

  3. I love the sneak peek of your Supernova. More, please!

  4. All 200!!!!! Felicity, my heart just stopped for a second!!!

  5. I can't wait to see the supernova tonight! It just looks fantastic! I'm looking forward to checking out the new shipments of fabric, too.
    Wow, girl, are you ever busy!

  6. Wish I was going to be there to see the Supernova in person tonight! Ellie's just a bit too fussy in the evenings still for me to get out. I hope to make the May meeting!

    Have fun fabric shopping at the meeting - haven't seen Ruby Star Rising in person yet. Which print do you love best?

  7. I can't wait to see the complete super nova quilt. I need to get going on my "Wonder Wheel" -love that name! But first I need to finish 3 Easter dresses. Eek!

  8. Oooh, such great pics! Yes, definitely looking forward to the full frontal "reveal"...

  9. Yippee, I get the full frontal tonight!!! Love your wonder wheel!

  10. pretty colors in the supernova. love the wheel.

  11. I looooooooove your wonder wheel!
    And now for some fun... I'm awarding you with the Versatile Blogger Award.

    You can read more about it here:

    I'm also passing the rules for accepting this award:

    * Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their site in your original post.
    * Tell us seven things about yourself.
    * Pass along the award to fifteen newly discovered bloggers.
    * Contact these bloggers and let them know they got this award.

  12. Love that wonder wheel! I don't usually like quilts with dark fabrics but it is so pretty.

  13. I'm not sure I can say this, but I think your supernova is one of the only ones I've seen that I think, "Oh, I would make that." The sneak peek looks wonderful!


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