Sunday, March 13, 2011

Quilt Alongs

Despite the fact that I still haven't even finished half of this quilt along, I've gone and joined two more.

Lily's Quilts QALSupernova Quilt-Along with Freshly Pieced

What can I say? I'm very susceptible to peer pressure. (Thank goodness that high school foray into smoking didn't quite catch on!)

Come play with me?


  1. I've been very tempted by Lynn's QAL, but I gotta stay strong! But it is so cool - have to stay strong maybe start my "Say no!" quilt just to stay on track, but I might have to checkout Supernova, and see what that ones all about!

  2. Oh, I couldn't resist the pull of the Supernova quilt along either!

  3. Woo hoo! Glad you're joining in! : )

  4. I have been waiting anxiously for Lee's QAL. I'm also a sucka. I'm also thining about joining Lily's, even though I only have all my pieces cut for Single Girl QAL and nothing sewed together yet. *sigh*


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