Sunday, May 9, 2010

Stash Report, Mothers' Day Edition

Happy Mothers' Day! I wonder how many Mamas out there received the ironic gift of time "off" from the kids today? I did - and I sewed my head off 100% guilt free. Wheeeee!

Boring Stash Report today - nothing in and nothing of any consequence out, despite all the sewing. I couldn't be bothered to figure out how much I used in this President's Block but I got it done. Yay!

Week 19 (ending May 9, 2010)
Used this week: 0 m
Used this year to date: 76.97 m
Added this week: 0 m
Added this year to date: 47.28 m
Net Stash Busted in 2010: 29.69 m

Check out what other stashbusters are doing over at Judy L's blog.


  1. Lucky you getting time off for the day.

    I would never have thought of putting the two prints in the block together, but I really like it. Can't wait to see the whole quilt.

  2. Wow!!! Beautiful block! I must make up some in that pattern! I'm not crazy about 16 patches, but a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do, right?


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