Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stash Report, First Day of Spring Edition

I can't be arsed to figure out the fabric "out" for my Block Gather blocks, so I'm saying zero. They're made entirely of scraps at least.

Week 12 (ending March 21, 2010)

Used this week: 0 m
Used this year to date: 21.13 m
Added this week: 0 m
Added this year to date: 30.78 m
Net Stash Busted in 2010: (9.65 m)

Speaking of "can't be arsed" I had some math problems and the stash report for weeks 10 and 11 are bunged up (too lazy to use my spreadsheet and look what happens!) and I can't be bothered to go back and fix them. Today's numbers are the correct ones, and the ones I'll be using going forward. *sigh*


  1. I couldn't figure out what "arsed" meant but it makes for an interesting read. The other day my sister got a text from her daughter and she needed a "naked" dessert. I thought that meant no icing but I guess it was supposed to be a "baked" dessert. I like the naked one better.

  2. I don't know either what "arsed" means... unless maybe 'bothered' ??

  3. You are almost even with your numbers - good job.


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