Monday, March 22, 2010

The Hardest Part (for me)

I confess that I have a really difficult time thinking up names for my quilts. Probably because I leave it to the very last minute, when I'm making the label. Huh. Maybe I have figured out my problem!

OK, so NEXT time I'll start thinking about the name nice and early. But I've got myself a nearly-finished quilt that doesn't have a name yet and I need some help.

Here's a photo of the front...

and one of the back for good measure.

When it's all done, I will post all the gory details - fabrics, pattern etc.

For now, here are a few details about the recipient. It's for my new niece, Rose. Very Irish last name which I won't divulge here. My sister and her family live quite far away from here, in the Eastern US.

My husband has suggested "Irish Rose" which I quite like but she isn't totally Irish so I'm not too certain. I was thinking "Faraway Rose" but maybe that's too sad? There's also the boring, "Rose's Quilt" or "For Rose" but neither of those really speaks to me.



  1. It reminds me of moss. Well, it also makes me think of green hills, swamps, and ponds. But moss sounds much nicer.

  2. The pond thing resonates for me - what about "Still Waters"?

  3. Irish Rose is nice - I agree with Cheryl about the moss thing. "lichen" is another word that came to mind - but not such a nice name for a quilt. Other green words...emerald, jade, lime, leafy, verdant...

  4. Naming quilts is very hard for me. Any name will be great for this lovely quilt!

  5. beautiful!
    It says ocean to me. Looking out over scraggly rocks at a Pacific view.

  6. the green says "spring" to me, and is very welcome indeed!

  7. Thanks everyone! Husband's other suggestion was Rose's Garden.

    Emerald strikes a chord, though...Emerald Rose? Oh I kind of like that - Ireland is the Emerald Isle after all....

  8. I think herb garden. For some reason I thought of Celery when I saw the top but after looking at the rich colors on the back definitely herb garden.

  9. What about "Rose Squared" something fun and capturing? I always think of something that is the mood of the quilt and something that when referring to the quilt you remember for sure and it's catchy.
    Just my thoughts

  10. Wow! It's really gorgeous! I love all that green. It feels very peaceful to me. I like the idea of Emerald Rose. It's kind of perfect in that it includes pretty much all of your description! Rose is a very lucky little girl :-)

  11. How about Linne Rose, according to google, Pond or pool roughly translates in Gaelic to Linne, so Rose Pond. Whatever you name it, it is lovely!

  12. How about 'Lucky'?...luck of the Irish, lucky to received such beautiful quilt..

  13. it's a beautiful quilt! i stink at naming quilts so i worked out a deal to have someone name them for me. (i highly recommend that approach.) ;)

  14. I like Irish Rose, or maybe Serene Rose.


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