Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stash Report

Week 6 (ending February 7, 2010)

Used this week: 5.54 m
Used this year to date: 18.9 m
Added this week: 0 m
Added this year to date: 24.83 m
Net Stash Busted in 2010: (6.24 m)

Well, that looks a little better. Yay for Preemie Workshops and charity quilts!

Cowboy Bears is quilted! Binding is 99% attached (stupid bobbin ran out) and needs to be sewn down by hand.


  1. What a great quilt for a little cowboy. I echo your resolution to quilt every day. I've been able to consistently manage at least 15 minutes a day and it has really made a difference.

  2. Cute fabric. . . seems very kid friendly.


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