Friday, January 12, 2018

My 2018 FAL Goals for Q1

Can you even believe we're here in January 2018? Honestly, time is flying by. It's time to round up the projects I'm hoping to finish between now and March 31: my Finish A Long Goals List.

First up, we're carrying forward the Canadian Sampler.

My block collection for The Canadian Sampler.

I've actually changed my mind about the setting, so I need to make some setting blocks. But the fabric for those is bought and ready to go.

Next, a sample for a class I'm teaching at my lovely LQS Cherry Tree Quilts. It's a project from Make It, Take It: the Bigmouthed Thread Catcher designed by Krista Hennebury. My progress shot:

Thread Catcher in progress

And third, just to make this a stretch target: I finally have a plan for these amazing Painter's Palette Solids from Paintbrush Studios and the deadline for submitting my quilt to Quilt Canada's National Juried Show (to be held this year in Vancouver!) is rapidly approaching (January 31!!).

I'm working full-time outside the home again, but it's a more regular schedule than when I was doing part-time and contract work so who knows? Maybe I'll be more productive than 2017. We'll see!

There's still some time to link up your list of proposed finishes for Finish A Long Q1 2018. Go here to link or here for more details. We would love it if you joined us.


  1. I love the Canadian Sampler. I've got an American idea rolling around in my head, but it's more political than symbols (which I guess is kind of both given the American system). I can't wait to see your finishes!

  2. Great projects, Felicity! I am sure you will be making good progress, especially with some deadlines in place. I love the Canadian sampler, but then I have a weakness for red and white quilts anyway... I wonder what kind of setting you'll come up with.
    Thank you for all your work and support in the Finish-A-Long, too!


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