Friday, April 15, 2016

Finish Along: Q2 Goals

Welp here we are again, setting goals for the quarter. I didn't have a great showing last quarter but what're ya gonna do? Life happened. Day job work and life in general are busy and stressful at the moment, so much so that I contemplated not putting a list together. I don't have much in the tank in the evenings, even for quilty stuff. But the goals are very motivating for me and help me stay focused on what I want to do so let's do this!

1. I came very close to finishing my Bee Sewcial quilt in time for my Q1 goal. I've (possibly temporarily) named it Winter. I didn't want to rush the quilting like I usually do and regret the output. As it stands, I've begun some walking foot quilting but I already know I want the quilting lines to be closer together. Back on the list it goes!

Winter quilting

2. My piece that I made during the Small Studies workshop I took with Gwen Marston at QuiltCon this past February. I really feel like the class was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. Gwen is the bee's knees. Looking forward to finishing this little piece (it's about 8"x9"). I've got a few more parts that didn't make it into the final piece, only because I temporarily lost them on my worktable during the workshop. I may or may not add them. We'll have to see how things shape up.

Small study 

I'm leaving the list at this because I'm a dummy and signed up for/committed to two different challenges that are due in the coming 6 weeks. I've not started either one, though I at least have a design in mind for the one that's due May 1st!

2016 FAL


  1. I think 2 awesome projects like this is a perfect list! Anxious to see them both finished and sure hope this quarter isn't as stressful for you!

  2. These projects are both so wonderful. I would like to have the once in a lifetime opportunity with Gwen Marston myself.

  3. Life can get very crazy! These are two great projects that will feel really good to get finished! I look forward to their reveals!

  4. It always seems so do-able at the time : ) Enjoy your projects


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