Monday, February 8, 2016

Lone Star

I've long admired Lone Star quilts, but it wasn't until I saw the beautiful one that Lynne (Lily's Quilts) designed for Make It, Take It that I felt I was up to the challenge.

Lone Star

The pattern uses strip piecing to make this pattern really accessible. I scaled it down slightly, choosing to cut my initial strips at 2½". The finished quilt is about 35" square - a great wallhanging or baby quilt size.

I don't know what inspired the colour story here - I started with that Anna Maria Horner echinacea print and added complementary colours. The background is Essex Linen in Black, one of my all-time favourites.

Lone Star quilting

Simple wavy lines for the quilting were done in an organic design for a quick finish. This was a 2015 Finish Along project that I didn't properly blog because the photo I took in my sewing room really wasn't up to snuff. Not that this one is much better. We moved and I lost my lovely arbour hanging spot that I could use without help. Now I need quilt holders and that is a whole new challenge, never mind finding a suitable backdrop. Consider it a work in progress, I suppose. *grin*


  1. It'a lovely, I love how those flowers are scattered around the tips so well. I have been eyeing this pattern in the book for a long while, maybe it's time to give it a try.

  2. I love your fabric choices and the sunflower fabric really brings it alive, making the quilt. Fabulous!



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