Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Felicities

Short but sweet today - what's making me happy is that I finally got my rear in gear (as they say) and set about getting myself some business cards!

Realizing that QuiltCon is just around the corner provided the push I needed to contact my graphic designer friend Steve (Abundant Sink Creative) and just do it already. He was so patient with me, and I'm grateful. I'm so happy with the finished product! Now I have calling cards for QuiltCon and something to include with swaps and giveaways and whatnot.

business card
Biz cards front and back

And how about you? What's making you happy today? Do tell!


  1. They look great! I realized the other day that I didn't have any either, and was past any reasonable deadline for moo cards. So I'll be making my own this weekend. I hope they're as cute as yours!

  2. I have my cards ready for QuiltCon too! What fun : )

  3. Lovely cards!

    The clear blue sky makes me happy today!

  4. HAVE FUN! We were in Asutin last weekned and I have two recomendations... Salt Lick... back of a drive out but well worth it, fun place and great Texas BBQ. Seceond is down town, Magnolia... WONDEROUS ginger pancakes and every thing else we had was good too!


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