Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday Felicities

My felicities for this week involve shoes! Remember this photo?

Well, not only did I help Kristie find *the* most "Kristie" boots ever (I have a gift - I really should be a personal shopper), I managed to find not one but TWO pairs of shoes for myself! Each was the "last pair" of that style - that never happens to me because my size is very common. So: win! But wait - it gets better. They were both on sale for half price. Double win!

I guess you want to see them, eh? OKAY!

Behold, the funky black mid-height heels that are insanely comfy with leather soft as buttah:

new shoes

And some cheerful green mary jane flats:

They're home

Funny story about those green ones. On the day I wore them for the first time, I had a small mishap on my way home from work. The mishap being that I forgot the tote bag that held the shoes as well as my umbrella, lunch containers and the security pass for my office building on the bus. Yeah. I was reading my book and when it came time to get up and off the bus, I did so but left my tote bag behind. Imagine my chagrin when I clued in on my walk home from the bus stop. Truly, the loss of the shoes was the most tragic part. Only worn once! 

But the story has a felicitous ending (see what I did there? I'm still on topic!). I filled in the online Lost & Found form on the transit website and would you believe that I got a call THE NEXT DAY saying my bag was at the Lost & Found office just one train stop away from my office? True story. The bag must have been turned in to the bus driver who sent it along to Lost & Found. So my pretties made it back home safe and sound.

What's your felicity this week?


  1. Those green shoes are the cutest thing ever! so glad you got them back. That is really lucky!

  2. I once left a very expensive coat on the train (well I got it on sale!) but thankfully it was handed in too!
    Those green shoes are utterly gorgeous :)

  3. Great story! LOVE those shoes, both pairs, but I am partial to Mary Janes!! Have a great weekend!

  4. Whee! I'm so glad that story had a happy ending! Really great shoes.

  5. Those green shoes ARE cute!! Do you do on-line shopping consultations??

  6. That is definitely a felicitous ending to a potentially tragic story. Thank you kind stranger!

  7. Felicitious end to a sad tale. Glad you got those cute shoes back!

  8. I LOVE those green shoes!! So glad they made their way back to you.

  9. Yikes, it is Friday again. I think my felicity might be that I am home now for the weekend. I might be a every two week felicity person. The green shoes are very cute, but the black ones are to die for! Truly we are going shoe shopping together one day.

  10. oh my goodness, how sad would it have been to have lost those shoes! I am sure the other things were important...but those shoes!

  11. Whoohoo for finding cute shoes and finding them again! I have that same green in that same brand but a different style. Love them!

  12. hurray for a happy ending! i saw you post somewhere that you'd lost them, but i didn't know that you'd gotten them back. that's awesome! the transit lost and found seems to have a pretty good track record, Kalin left a bag full of expensive yarn and all of her knitting needles on the train one day, and miraculously got it back too.

    those green shoes are AWESOME! you always have the best shoes!

  13. Okay, I'm a week behind.....but loving seeing pictures of those shoes again!

  14. Hi! How I missed this important shoe post? I wanted to see your shoe shopping and here they are - the most beautiful shoes! I'm soooo happy that your got those green beuauties back! x Teje


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