Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Felicities

Today's felicity is....FUN!

I've been having fun making a dress for my little Miss G, making progress on the memory quilt (photos of both to come when our weather starts cooperating).

The Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild is doing a pouch swap with the Portland Modern Quilt Guild - talk about fun! I've got two partners because there are nearly twice as many PMQG participants as VMQG swappers. One of my partners, I've figured out. The other has encouraged me to do a bit of experimenting, and I'm loving it so far:

linen experiment1

I have hesitated to make an inspiration mosaic for my partner(s) because I don't want them to feel too boxed in when they're thinking about what to make, particularly since there's not much that doesn't work for me, other than Civil War calico prints. Having said that, here are a few pouches and other things that I'm enjoying right now:

VMQG/PMQG Pouch Inspiration
Click on the image to go to Flickr - all the links are there.

So that's what's been keeping me busy lately. Have a great weekend!


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