Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Felicities

Today, my Felicity is about feeling the love this past week:

  • The reactions to my Scrappy Round Potholder tutorial have surrounded me like a cozy blanket. Thanks for your kind words and for all the pinning!
  • An out of the blue voice message from my lovely aunt P saying she'd spent a happy hour browsing around my blog, and telling me how much she'd enjoyed spending time "with" me.
  • Time spent doing one of my favourite non-quilting "me" things - reading, and attending my bi-monthly book club meeting (with my wonderful and hilarious friend Lisa).
Have a wonderful weekend - I hope you feel some love and pass it on. 


I *love* comments, and I try to respond to every one by email (but I can't if you're a no-reply blogger!). So go on, don't be shy - leave one to let me know you've stopped by!