Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Felicities

My husband has a theory that goes something like this: there is a finite amount of luck available to us as a family, so what luck I "use up" by winning blog giveaways and Guild door prizes is therefore not available for winning the Big Stuff like the lottery.

In unrelated news, who's got two thumbs and won 13 of the Stacked Strips blocks made by VMQG members for our February challenge? THIS GAL!

VMQG Feb Challenge Stacked Strips
My own contribution to the challenge

Today's Felicity is....WINNING! Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh poo poo on your husband. He doesn't know what he is talking about. He's just jealous that you are winning something and he isn't.

  2. Seems like a perfectly good use of your family's luck supply to me!

  3. Tell him it is like anything get better at winning with PRACTICE ;)

  4. Kristie has hit it on the head exactly! You are just practicing for the big win! Enjoy your lovely stack of blocks - can't wait to see them all put together - next meeting - right???

  5. That theory cracks me up. As far as I'm concerned, that stack is a big winning! Congrats Felicity!

  6. Congrats on the win! I look forward to seeing the quilts you and Kalin put together from the guild's colourful blocks!

  7. How very "cosmic" of your husband. And yay for you winning. I don't think you have diminished your chances for a big win in the future.

  8. Yes. stop winning fabric and start winning millions so you can take all your friends to Japan for the Tokyo Quilt Festival. Sound like a plan? I'm your friend, btw.

  9. Congrats.....and I was sure I was going to win last night! Can't wait to see what you come up with.


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