Sunday, September 25, 2011

Aurifil Giveaway Winners

Wow! What a great response! Thanks for the kind words about my projects - I appreciate them all!

Mr. Random did his thing, and the 5 winning comments have been picked.

First up:
And that belongs to:

Second winning comment is:

And that is:

Third winning number:

Who's 94? That's:

Winning giveaway comment number four:
Here we are:

And the final winning comment is:

And that is...

Winners have been contacted. Thanks for playing!


  1. Congratulations to the lucky winners!

  2. Just found your blog after you left a comment on mine - so many wonderful things to check out here. I'm now a subscriber!


I *love* comments, and I try to respond to every one by email (but I can't if you're a no-reply blogger!). So go on, don't be shy - leave one to let me know you've stopped by!