Wednesday, December 15, 2010

WIP Wednesday

Looking for the giveaway? Click HERE!

I was a busy little bunny this past week. Being home sick from work helped a bit, but honestly I was feeling too lousy to do all that much. And my little girl had her 3rd birthday over the weekend, which meant party preps. I think she seems pretty pleased, though, don't you?
Enjoying her balloon bouquet while wearing her "3" shirt and Mama's necklace

Anyhoo, I had two WIP goals for this past week:
1. Complete Teacher cup cuffs. Done!
Cup Cuffs

2. Complete Teacher Mug Rugs. Done and done!

Bonus stuff done:
1. Binding sewn on the tree skirt.

WIP Wednesday is a weekly linkup - go check it out!
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Love the cup cuffs! That Amy Butler print is one of my guilty pleasures... love that grey and yellow/gold.

  2. Those are great teacher gifts! Glad your little girl had a nice birthday!

  3. Awww, cutie pie! She looks so happy! : )

    You're rocking it on your projects! Love that mug rug! Thanks for linking up!

  4. Awe, she's a cutie! Mine turned 7 this week! =)

    Love the mug rug too!

  5. Hope you are felling better. great job on your mug of these days I'm gonna breakdown and make a few of them too.

  6. Your tree skirt is gorgeous!!!! Great to see you last night. Hope your dreaded lurgy is gone, gone, gone by Christmas!!


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