Tuesday, October 26, 2010

WIP - Sewing Machine Cover

I've been needing a cover for my sewing machine forever, and it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do. So I had a look-see at my Tutorials I Want To Try list over there on the right hand side and lo and behold: The Confetti Quilt. I had saved my shards from the Modify Tradition mini-quilt I made with AMH Bohemian, intending to use them for a Confetti Quilt. Serendipity! Here's my progress so far:

Sewing Machine Cover WIP

I'm excited to see this coming together!


  1. Hmmm....I can't see it! =) I have no idea how to envision this as a sewing machine cover. =) I bought a pattern to make myself one, but that hasn't happened yet and who knows when it will. Having three different machines doesn't help either...which do I make the cover for?!?!?! =)

    Can't wait to see this take shape, since my brain isn't functioning in a creative way this morning. =)

  2. That looks like it will be absolutely gorgeous! Great scraps.


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