Sunday, September 19, 2010

Stash Report, Hanging My Head In Shame Edition

So. The Stashbusting. Yeah, not going all that well, in that I seem to be accumulating fabric. BUT it's stuff I truly love, and I have unburdened myself of stuff I don't, so maybe I shouldn't be ashamed at all?

Ha, that little rationalization didn't take long at all!

I've been rather remiss as regards my stashbusting reports, so here I will catch up.

Week 37 (ending September 19, 2010)
Used this week: 3.1 m
Used this year to date: 149.46 m
Added this week: 8 m (order received!)
Added this year to date: 72.88 m
Net Stash Busted in 2010: 76.58 m

What have I been working on? Well, three mugrugs, the Simple Sampler quilt is now pieced and basted (YAY for retreats!!!) and some random other stuff.


  1. I agree! if you love it, it can't be a stash you should feel guilty about!


  2. I'd say that's a pretty good ratio of in and out! Yay for retreats, indeed, so glad you could join us!!!


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