Monday, June 14, 2010

Stash Report, Jury Duty Edition

Yes, that's right: Jury Duty. I have to report tomorrow for a civil trial. I have my Modify Tradition Mini Quilt whose binding needs attaching, and a good book. I hope I don't get picked, or if I do, that the trial is over in a day.

The Garage Sale was a huge success - I made over $100 selling my quilting crap to other quilters so that I had room for more quilting crap. My friend called it "the Circle of Crap" and so it is. I only bought one FQ, which I promptly used for the binding of the forementioned Mini Quilt. I did come home with some leftovers, which I plan to list on Craigslist ASAP - I've been fairly successful with that strategy so far.

Week 24 (ending June 13, 2010)
Used this week: .12 m
Used this year to date: 130.69 m
Added this week: .25 m
Added this year to date: 57.03 m
Net Stash Busted in 2010: 73.66 m

1 comment:

  1. Felicity - I LOVE your mini quilt and your stash busting stats are hilarious (slightly A.R., but hilarious nonetheless). I am very glad to see that we're only 1/2 way through the year and you have added more fabric to your stash than I least a metre more. I'm going to tell my husband right now.


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