LOOK AT THESE ADORABLE HEDGEHOGS (and owls). I couldn't pass them up!!!
I attended the Grand Opening of Spool of Thread - a local sewing lounge. They sell some fabric (source of those cute hedgies above), a few patterns and notions. Their main raison d'etre, though, is to provide a space to sew. You can rent space by the hour (including use of some great Janome sewing machines) to sew, cut, or do whatever. I eyed the large industrial cutting tables longingly - I know where my next big quilt is going to be basted!!
My guild is having a "garage sale" for the last meeting before summer. I was inspired to do another cull - over 50 m of fabric is going to a new home! Have to spend some time this weekend pricing it all. Does $2/m seem fair? It's all in great shape and is quilt shop quality; just not my style anymore.
That meant great things for this week's stash report:
Week 23 (ending June 6, 2010)
Used this week: 52.47 m
Used this year to date: 130.57 m
Added this week: 5 m
Added this year to date: 56.78 m
Net Stash Busted in 2010: 73.79 m
It also meant great things for my fabric storage area - there's a bit more breathing room on the stacks, and I can actually pull things and see things without causing a fabric avalanche. Very nice.
I need a garage sale - I can see that now very clearly! Great idea and good for you to make room for cute fabric w/ hedgehogs and owls..