Sunday, February 28, 2010

Stash Report

Still going strong on the stash busting over here. Well, on the *recording* of the stash busting. The actual busting isn't going too great. To wit:

Week 9 (ending February 28, 2010)

Used this week: .89 m
Used this year to date: 19.48 m
Added this week: 4.45 m
Added this year to date: 29.28 m
Net Stash Busted in 2010: (9.8 m)

What can I say? I passed up one of the two quilt shops on our way back from a getaway on BC's most western coast - Ucluelet, BC. That must count for something, right?

I did move one project from the WIP list to the Finishes list, so that was nice. And I'm working on another WIP project now, with another in the wings because it has a firm deadline of early April. 

Check out Judy's blog to see who else is stash busting in 2010. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank you for your posting. I'm glad I'm not the only one showing more fabric gained than used, you are making my day, thanks. I do plan on using it up though, the main question is....... when? LOL


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